Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Characteristics of Renaissance Literature

     Renaissance art was driven by a new notion of humanism. Man began to take interest in his own world rather than the other world. View of literature was predominantly ethical. The moral teaching was secular, not religious. Man began to perceive the positive aspects, his dignity and value rather than the dark and sinful side.

The spirit of discovery and adventure

     The influence of the spirit of discovery and adventure runs through the Renaissance literature. In Shakespeare’s England ocean became the highway of national progress. The spirit of adventure is clearly seen in the renaissance drama. Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Pericles, Merchant of Venice Marlow’s Dr. Faustus, and Tamburlaine etc. are some examples. This spirit helped to create a general tendency to explore all aspects of nature and the world.

The Revival of Classical Learning

     Plato and Aristotle lend immense influence on the renaissance. The revival of classical works and authors influenced to mold and shift the style and technique of literature. Thomas More’s Utopia and Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis have introduced new plot and theme to literature.

Scientific Outlook

     The scientific spirit got changed with the publication of Copernicus’ “On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres” in 1543. The Copernican system replaced astrology with astronomy. Science and art were intermingled in the early renaissance with artists like Da Vinci entering the field of medicine, aerodynamics, anatomy etc. The previously held truths were questioned and new results were sought in this period of scientific advancement

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