Sunday, August 14, 2016

Roman a clef (Novel with a Key)

Roman a clef is a French phrase meaning novel with a key. In a Roman a clef real people or events are described in fictional guise.  The fictitious names in the novel represent real people, and the key is the relationship between the non-fiction and the fiction. The term is believed to be created by the French writer Madeleine de Scudery. The reason for writing such a novel can be many such as
  1. Satire
  2. Writing about controversial topics
  3. Information on scandals
  4. Autobiographical elements without revealing the author

Point Counter Point (Aldous Huxley):  novel on D.H. Lawrence and Middleton Murray
The Sun also Rises (Hemingway): disguised life of the author in Paris
Nothing Like the Sun: A Story of Shakespeare’s Love Life (Anthony Burges) fictional biography of Shakespeare 

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